The meetings were held at the District Court in Zamość as part of the Court’s educational activities in connection with the mediation week.
During the speeches, Magda talked about mediation, illustrating her statements with a multimedia show of the project’s results, including comic book drawings. Magda also presented videos with recordings of the practice of the project participants, and then based on them, she simulated mediation with each group of young people. The experience we have gathered shows that even fragments of practical videos are a great support for young people in the subject of mediation and facilitate the acquisition of skills.
The films were also a starting point for a discussion on the introduction of mediation at school and care for the well-being of young mediators with adult participants of the meetings.
Both adults and children expressed interest in the subject matter and the prepared materials.
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and Norway
Grants Education Programme
. The aim of the project is to develop tools for effective communication as well as peaceful and constructive resolution of disputes and problems in the environment of children and young people.
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