Communication that builds understanding

Understanding communication, or how to talk to reach an agreement

Project “Communication Builds Understanding”

The project ” Communication for understanding” is funded with a grant of EUR 122 871.00. The total amount of co-financing awarded is 85% co-financed by the received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants and 15% from the state budget. The aim of the project, which we will carry out with the Icelandic partner Art of Living Iceland, is to develop tools to introduce effective communication and peaceful and constructive resolution of disputes and problems in the communities of children and young people.

About the project

The “Understanding Building” project aims to develop tools to introduce effective communication and peaceful and constructive resolution of disputes and problems in communities of children and adolescents. The project assumes a cultural and social change in the approach to conflict and the development of effective communication skills, and in the long term, the introduction of new patterns of behaviour into the social space. This will enable you to approach challenges constructively and build a system to prevent and resolve relationship problems in a mutually beneficial way.

As the final target audience of the project is children and young people, the project aims for lasting change through education also at the earliest stages. The beneficiaries of the project are school children and youth, teachers, people working in children’s homes and community centers, probation officers and family assistants. Its effects will also indirectly affect school staff, employees of child care institutions, family assistants, etc.

The project involves the creation of three intellectual outputs, over the course of two years and with the active cooperation of our Icelandic partner Art of Living Iceland.


As part of the project, the following were developed:


Training package

  • theoretical and practical films, demonstrations and exercises with an overview of the tools,
  • a series of trainings in non-violent communication, techniques of coping with emotions,
  • Instructions on how to use the tool in remote work.

Adult Handbook

A handbook for adults with theories, descriptions of tools and skills, practical tips with an overview of the differences in the use of tools depending on the 3 age groups. Online manual.


Handbook for children and young people

A textbook for children and young people containing a compendium of theoretical and practical knowledge in the form of comic books supplemented with short descriptions

The project aims to use institutional cooperation to improve the quality and adaptation of lifelong learning by developing and updating the educational offer, exchanging experiences and good practices, and organizing joint initiatives with the Icelandic partner Art of Living Iceland.

Our experts

Magdalena Kosicka – Leszczyńska

Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication, Mediator, Legal Advisor.

She started her work with conflict as a lawyer. Since 2010 She conducts trainings in the field of communication and mediation for schools, kindergartens, institutions, and open groups. She is a court mediator and resolves collective conflicts.

Her true passion is working with young people and supporting young people of different age groups in resolving conflicts. This work gives her the most joy – the speed at which young people are able to come to understand each other, their curiosity, but also the challenges that do not arise in the world of adult training, give opportunities for intensive development and diversity. Magda’s own children constantly give her room to practice.

Magda cooperates on a permanent basis with the District Court in Zamość, conducting peer mediation programs as well as lectures and trainings for students and teachers.

She mediated school conflicts in schools in the Lublin Voivodeship. Since 2012 She has been a court mediator, including since 2016. She is entered on the list of permanent mediators, works as a mediator at the Centre for Arbitration and Mediation at the Catholic University of Lublin, the Centre for Economic Mediation at the National Chamber of Legal Advisers, and the Foundation of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Lublin “I Know the Law”.

Marta Kułaga

Certified trainer of Nonviolent Communication (, coach (2013-2014 School of Professional Coaching, 2015 Needs-Based Coaching), graduate of the School of Trainers of Empathy-Based Communication (2010-2013), mediator (2016-2017 Yoram Mozenson’s Mediation Course). Facilitator of dialogue and support in resolving group conflicts.

Project Partners

Our partner in the project is Art of Living Iceland from Reykjavik. It is an international organization with programs and workshops for personal development, including elements of yoga, meditation, breathing techniques and practical knowledge that leads to the elimination of stress and the improvement of the quality of life. More than 30 million people around the world have participated in the workshop so far. All the activities of Art of Living have one goal in common: to improve health and increase the level of happiness.