
“Workers’ well-being in times of migration”

Zabłocie 20, Krakow

We summarize the conference “How to take care of workers’ well-being in times of migration”.

The conference was held at the Socio-Economic Innovation Cluster Zablocie 20.22, thanks to the support of the Department of Social Policy and Health of the City of Krakow. It had a hybrid character, lasted 7 hours, including workshops and lunch. It was dedicated to key success factor for any organization – employee well-being. Companies, NGOs, public institutions, budgetary and educational institutions are increasingly realizing that satisfied, healthy and motivated employees translate into better business results. Therefore, together with the speakers, we discussed innovative approaches supporting the mental health of migrant workers, methods to ensure well-being in an environment of cultural and linguistic diversity, and proven relaxation techniques to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

The conference was packed with presentations and workshops led by experts and practitioners, providing participants with valuable knowledge and practical skills. We had the opportunity to host, among others, neuropsychologist from Ukraine Natalia Govorun, Monika Gucwa from the Labor Office in Krakow, Maria Wojtacha from IB Poland, or Dr. Katrien Hertog Director of Trauma Treatment and Peacebuilding Programs at the International Association for Human Values, as well as other expert speakers in their field who shared their experience. 

The conference was a great success, as evidenced by the number of participants, as about 120 people attended our in-person and online event. 

We would like to thank all participants for their commitment and active participation! Together we are creating a better working environment. 

Framework Programme “Employee Well-being in Times of Migration: Why It’s Worth It, How to Do It Effectively”

9:00 – 9:20 Block 1. Networking and surveys
Networking, registration, surveys, backstage conversations

9:20 – 11:30 Block 2. How to support building well-being in the organization

  • 9.20 – 9.30 Welcome and a short introduction to well-being, Aleksandra Mykowska, psychologist, Understanding Foundation
  • 9.30 – 9.45 Introduction about the Peace of Mind project, Agnieszka Lintowska, AOL Poland
  • 9.45 – 10.00 Supporting the mental health of migrant workers: Innovative approaches based on WHO scalable interventionsDorota Ziętek, PhD, WHO Certified Trainer, Understanding Foundation
  • 10.00 – 10.15 Why is it worth caring about well-being in the organization – implementation of the principles of sustainable development (ESG) and practicesBarbara Matyaszek Szarek, Heuresis
  • 10.15 – 10.30 What costs does an employee/organization incur during the implementation of a humanitarian action?Maria Wojtacha, Internationaler Bund Polska Foundation
  • 10.30 – 10.45 From barriers to bondsCommunity 2.0.
    at JCC Krakow
    Joanna Fabijańczuk JCC Krakow
  • 10.45 – 11.10 IAHV’s evidence-based bio-psycho-social approach to trauma resilience, resilience and reinforcement.Dr Katrien Hertog, International Director IAHV Trauma-Relief Programs: IAHV; Natalya Govorun, neuropsychologist from Ukraine, IAHV / Red Cross, Ukraine / Lithuania
  • 11.10 – 11.30 Sitting exercises that you can do in the office, Aleksandra Mykowska, Understanding Foundation

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM Coffee break

12.00 – 13.30 Block 3. Building well-being in practice, discussion on implementation in the organization

  • 12.00 – 12.15 How to ensure the well-being of employees – reports from the world of neuroscience with practical exercises and conclusions from implementations – Aleksandra Mykowska, psychologist, Understanding Foundation

  • 12.15 – 12.30 Simple techniques of self-regulation as a way to release tension and stress Iwona Madej, coach, Love Create somatic trainer
  • 12.30 – 12.45 Supporting employers in building a friendly working environment for diverse employees.
    Małopolska experience
    Monika Gucwa, Provincial Labour Office in Kraków

  • 12.45 – 13.00 On employee self-regulation, i.e. Self reg in the organizationJagoda Sikora, psychologist, University of Silesia (online presentation)

  • 13.00 – 13.15 On conflicts and mediation in the international environment: how to communicate and resolve conflicts in multinational groups Magdalena Kosicka-Leszczyńska, certified NVC trainer, mediator, legal advisor (online presentation)
    Support: Jagna Romanowska – mediator, legal advisor, trainer of communication based on empathy – Przystanek-empathy

  • 13.15 – 13.30 Summary: discussion with participants on
    How to implement programs that build well-being among employees
    Dorota Ziętek

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch

2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Workshops (additional registration – maximum 15 people/workshop)

  • Breathing workshops, promotion of the PC programMarzena Przybylska , breathing trainer, Art of Living Foundation (workshop only stationary)

  • Neural exercises for well-beingIwona Madej, somatic trainer, coach (workshop only stationary)

  • Non-professional psychological help in an organization – support in crisisMonika Stutz Kowalska (workshop stationary and online)

  • Does well-being conflict with conflict? How to take care of the social aspect of well-being? Jagna Romanowska, mediator, attorney-at-law, trainer of communication based on empathy: Przystanek Empatia (workshop only stationary)


    Meet our speakers

    Aleksandra Mykowska

    Social psychologist (Jagiellonian University), MBA graduate, practitioner in managing teams of several dozen people, implementer of numerous full-time adult education programs, blended learning, e-learning and Development Center processes. She managed the process of organizing and substantive preparation of many courses for adults for over 10,000 people, co-author of her own online teaching methodology, research on intrinsic motivation for online learning. Presenter at the EDUCA Berlin conference and other international conferences. She is currently in the process of certification in “Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy”.
    She completed numerous trainings and courses in the field of Well-being.

    Agnieszka Lintowska

    Dr Agnieszka Lintowska, psychologist, psychotraumatologist, psychotherapist, academic teacher.
    Certified international workshop trainer
    Healing, Resilience Empowerment (HRE) for victims of disasters and warfare.
    He is active in these areas in the international association IAHV
    , which has consultor status to the United Nations.
    Międzynarodowy certyfikowany trener „Programme in Stress Reduction” dla osób dorosłych oraz „Non-Aggression Programme” dla dzieci i młodzieży.
    Pracuje na Uniwersytecie Medycznym we Wrocławiu.

    Barbara Matyaszek-Szarek

    Substantive supervisor of the series of Development Programs Excellence in Negotiations® and Excellence in Management®.
    Co-founder of Heuresis, President of the Management Board.
    Certified trainer, management consultant, author of unique development programs.
    He participates in the work of the Advisory Board of IPSCMI and ACI.
    He is a Certified International Professional Negotiator® (CIPN®), Certified International Professional Management Executive® (CIPME),® HR Certified Human Resource Management Executive® (CHRME)® and Certified International Professional Training Consultant ® (CIPTC®) trainer.
    Responsible for strategy building and management of client capital and knowledge capital.
    He conducts strategic and management consulting projects.

    Maria Wojtacha

    In 2019, he was the director of the Internationaler Bund Polska Foundation, doctor of social sciences. Previously, she was professionally associated with the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Medicum for over 9 years, and in the years 2015 – 2019 she was the director of the Department of Strategic Investments at the Office Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region.
    In addition, in the years 2009 – 2019, he was a member of the Foundation’s board
    Development of Polish Municipalities and its founder and founder. A graduate of the Santander Bank scholarship to participate in the program entitled.
    “W30 – Developing women leaders in
    university faculty and administration”, at the University of California (UCLA) and a scholarship from the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw and the Vital Voices Foundation for Participation in the program entitled
    “Mentoring Innovation Leadership program for Polish Women Entrepreneurs”.

    Jagoda Sikora

    He isa child psychologist, has a specialization in clinical psychology of children and adolescents and a doctor of social sciences in the discipline of psychology, and also has pedagogical qualifications (allowing them to work in a kindergarten or school).
    She gained experience in clinical work, working with children and adolescents, among others in the Upper Silesian Children’s Health Center and numerous outpatient and day support facilities.
    Currently, he holds the position of assistant professor at the University of Silesia at the Institute of Psychology.
    She completed two levels of certification training in the Self-Reg approach (self-regulation methods) – both the foundation and facilitator course organized by the Mehrit Centre in Canada, the study of child and adolescent therapy and the basic course of the approach focused on TSR solutions.
    She is currently studying as part of a 4-year course in family psychotherapy.
    She also expanded her knowledge by taking part in numerous trainings in the field of intervention and diagnostic work with children and adolescents.
    For 7 years she has been cooperating with the Foundation for the Development and Promotion of Psychotherapy.
    She also has experience in conducting group therapy classes for children, which she gained while working at the DIADA System Help Center in Gliwice.

    Iwona Madej

    Coachka, holistic bodywork trainer, transpersonal therapist, mentor; Love Create Iwona Madej.
    I support women in life changes.
    I help you discover and acknowledge your own power, release internal blockages and regain access to your full potential.
    I help women to act boldly and create a life in harmony with their own hearts.
    In my work with clients, I draw on the embodied experience of my own long-term transformation and the skills gained during numerous trainings Body Psychotherapy Training (Selfinstitute – Anna Pączka), Fundamental elements of working with the body (Institute of Dance and Movement Therapy – Iba), Course of body awareness, emotions, relationships according to the Laban Bartenieff method (Agnieszka Sokołowska), Holistic Transpersonal Studies (Master Your Life by Izabela Kopaniszyn, PhD), Akashic Chronicles reading course with Gabrielle Orr, Solution Focused Therapy (TSR I)- Solution Center

    Katrien Hertog

    Dr. Katrien Hertog, International Head of Corporate Education,
    trauma healing and peacebuilding programs at the International Association for Human Values (IAHV), which specializes in effectively transforming the mindset, attitudes, well-being, and behavior of those involved in or affected by conflict and violence.
    As a researcher, trainer and practitioner, he has 25 years of experience in the links between mental health, psychosocial support and peacebuilding in the academic and non-governmental sectors.
    She holds a PhD in Peacebuilding from the University of Leuven, coordinates the work of the IAHV in prisons and refugees in Europe (more than 25,000 beneficiaries), leads large-scale EU-funded peacebuilding and resilience projects in conflict zones, and has trained more than 2500 prisoners, refugees, frontline workers, security personnel, NGO staff, the public sector and international agencies.

    Natalya Govorun

    She has experience in psychological counseling for people affected by the war in Ukraine since 2014.
    He also has his own traumatic experience at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
    She is currently working in a project with the Red Cross to develop psychological skills for Ukrainian refugees in Vilnius (Lithuania).

    Jagna Romanowska

    Attorney-at-law, mediator and trainer of communication based on empathy.
    As a hobby, she completed postgraduate studies in practical social psychology.
    He is fascinated by developmental psychology and, increasingly, neuropsychology.
    Her passion and mission is to build a safe world for children, a world of peace.
    To this end, it supports families in the areas of family law, family mediation and empathetic parenting training.
    On the other hand, he wants to work at school mediating school conflicts and teaching young people how to express themselves authentically and resolve conflicts.

    Magda Kosicka-Leszczyńska

    Certified Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Trainer, Mediator, Coacher, Legal Advisor. Since 2010 She conducts training in communication and mediation for schools, kindergartens, institutions and open groups.
    She is a court mediator and resolves collective conflicts.
    Her real passion is working with young people and supporting young people in different age groups in resolving conflicts.

    Monika Stutz-Kowalska

    Certified trainer of the FamilyLab Polska foundation, implementer of the School for Parents and Educators program.
    A graduate of studies in the fields of Journalism and Social Communication, Social Sciences, Pedagogical Preparation.
    Psychologist in training.

    Dorota Ziętek

    Doctor of the Jagiellonian University, graduate of the University of Economics, educator, specialist in the field of
    multiculturalism, national and ethnic minorities, expert in the field of identity.
    Researcher and grant coordinator.
    Member of the International Coordination Group on
    Mental Health, author of articles, reports and books, member of the program board of scientific publications.
    Trainer of scalable methods of the World Health Organization.

    Monika Gucwa

    Coordinator for
    dissemination of the idea of age management
    in the project “Employees – the best investment for the company”. She worked in and with the media.
    For several years, she has been involved in the implementation of projects supporting entrepreneurs and working people in Małopolska, as well as testing innovative solutions in the field of adult learning.
    Responsible for the organization of many events, promotional campaigns, as well as conducting awareness activities, mainly related to the subject of lifelong learning and diversity management.

    Marzena Przybylska

    French teacher, intercultural assistant, yoga and breathing techniques trainer.
    She has been involved in helping refugees since the beginning of the war.
    She conducts free classes in yoga, meditation and breathing techniques for refugees in Krakow.
    Associated with the Art of Living Poland organization.

    Joanna Fabijańczuk

    She is associated with JCC Krakow (Jewish Community Center), an organization that creates a safe and inclusive meeting place for the local Jewish community, new residents of Krakow and tourists.
    Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, she has been involved in helping refugees.
    She is responsible for welcoming and integrating new people into the community and co-creating the program of events.