Final Gala of the “Well-being at School” project

Nov 23, 2023 | Bez kategorii

Are you interested in the topic of shaping well-being and mental resilience in primary schools? Would you like to know a holistic set of self-care methods for adults and children? Are you a teacher, work in a school, are you interested in school education or are you a representative of governmental organizations, NGOs or the media?

If so, we cordially invite you to the gala summarizing our project “Well-being at school”. The conference will be in a hybrid form, i.e. some of the participants will be stationary and some of the participants will be online. You can choose the appropriate form of participation.

As part of the project, on-site and online training on selected methods of building resilience was carried out, courses with instructional videos were carried out on an educational platform, and we also conducted a well-being survey among teachers. And now it’s time to take stock of our achievements and celebrate our successes together!

What can you expect at our conference?

🌟 Presentation of the results of the study on mental resilience and perceived stress among teachers and students. You’ll find out what changes we’ve made with this study.

📚 Read the “Well-being Guide for Teachers”, which will tell you what methods of building well-being and how to use them.

📘 Premieres of Ula Młodnicka’s book with stories for primary school students – this is our gift to you so that you can share them with your students!

During the Gala, refreshments (coffee break) as well as information packages and gifts for guests are planned.

Participation in the conference is free of charge!



5.00 p.m. – 5.20 p.m . School Well-being project and key results

Aleksandra Mykowska, Elżbieta Wasil and others

  • What was the project, the main assumptions, who participated in the pilot
  • What are the results of the project that can be used by school teachers and others?
  • Statements of people participating in the project
  • Results of the project’s evaluation research – key conclusions

5.20 p.m. – 6.30 p.m . A Mindful Journey Across Continents, Face Yoga

Marzena Przybylska, Aleksandra Mykowska, Elżbieta Wasil and others

  • What is well-being – 3 pillars according to the WHO – how to take care of it? Mini discussion – with the help of online voting
  • Mindfulness exercises, inspired by the different methods used in the project, including Face Yoga, physical exercises and other surprises

REMARK: Please wear comfortable clothes and minimize makeup, and be ready for surprises!

6.30 p.m. – 7.00 p.m . Coffee break and networking

7.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m .Practical methods to build well-being at school and beyond

Aleksandra Mykowska, Elżbieta Wasil and others

  • How you can build your principles to support well-being and mental resilience – mini discussion and presentation
  • Awarding diplomas to School Principals and project participants, handing out books “Well-being at School – Stories and Exercises for Children” with the autograph of Urszula Młodnicka, the author of the short stories Pinka.


Sign up for the Stationary Conference using the link:


Sign up for the Online Conference using the link:


i️ The “Communication Building Understanding” project benefits from a grant of EUR 122,871 received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the
and Norway
Grants Education Programme
. The aim of the project is to develop tools for effective communication as well as peaceful and constructive resolution of disputes and problems in the environment of children and young people.
More information about the EEA project “Communication building understanding”


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