We would like to thank all participants of the workshops for unforgettable moments during the “General Development Integration Music and Movement Workshops for School Children” at Sunny Bunny Wieliczka – a center of activities for children and adults! Making music together and having fun with the extraordinary girls from Fiksum Dyrdum, Zofia Szyrajew and Anna Psuty-Zając, were a real return to the past full of music, dance and fun!
As part of the classes:
Making music together – playing percussion and melodic instruments, creating
orchestra from everyday materials.
Singing together – traditional songs and creating your own songs.
Backyard games – traditional arcade games and challenges.
Rhythmic and dexterity games – developing hearing, sense of rhythm and body coordination.
Traditional children’s games from different cultures.
Tournament of knowledge about national cultures and Poland.
Challenges – learning games and tongue twisters from different countries.
Summaries – reflections on workshops and life in another country, looking at the world from the perspective of children and young people.
We encourage you to join us at the next workshop at IB Polska in Huta at 24 Górali Street! Recruitment is already underway, so don’t miss out!
We invite you to Saturday classes 11.05.24, 11.00 – 14.00: https://app.evenea.pl/event/fixumdurdum1105/
We invite you to Tuesday classes 14.05.24, 16.00 – 19.00: https://app.evenea.pl/event/fixumdurdum1405/
The activities take place as part of the IOM project funded by the United States of America.