Our first webinar is starting!

Oct 14, 2022 | Bez kategorii

Dear! We are extremely proud because our first webinar is about to start. As part of the “Mental Resilience for Parents” project, our foundation Ola Mykowska, in cooperation with equally great experts and practitioners, has prepared a series of webinars.

“The <most revealing thing for me about this conversation> is that mental toughness is essential. And children – their mental resilience depends on ours. Solomon will not pour out of an empty one. This is the basis of upbringing, we must have strength and resilience ourselves. Resilience is mental maturity.”
Recognizing parents’ needs in terms of mental resilience – qualitative research, March – April 2021, Krakow, Poland
We cordially invite everyone to the series of webinars “Mental Resilience for Parents”. It is addressed to all parents. First of all, those who are tired, stressed, burnt out from parenting, who need new competences or inspiration to cope with emotions, chaos or helplessness. There are many stressful situations in the daily life of each of you. Parenthood, which seems to be something natural and at the same time a wonderful role to play in life, also causes us a lot of stress. The webinar on Mental Resilience for Parents will be extremely helpful in finding answers to questions about how to act more effectively in difficult situations and take care of yourself in all of this.
Find out more about our WEBINAR and SIGN UP!

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