Wellbeing at Kinder

By taking care of the well-being of teachers, you care about your child’s future!

“Wellbeing at Kinder” project

Project: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000087191
Duration: 31.12.2022 – 30.12.2024

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About the project

The “Wellbeing at Kinder” project is an initiative addressed to preschool teachers, nursery caregivers and all early childhood education employees.
Our goal is to provide tools that support their mental health and emotional resilience, which is essential in playing a key role in shaping future generations.
Modern kindergartens and nurseries need professionals who are not only motivated, but also equipped with the competences to build strong relationships with children and their parents.

The pandemic has upset the emotional balance of many children and families, weakening social bonds.
In the new reality, the key task is to rebuild these relationships and provide emotional support.
That is why, as part of the “Wellbeing at Kinder” project, we put emphasis on the social and emotional development of both children and the people who care for them.
One of the important effects of our activities will be a social campaign that will raise awareness and strengthen the image of kindergarten and nursery school employees.

Our research shows ( Need Assessment Report attached) that many early childhood education workers feel undervalued and their work is not always properly appreciated by parents and society.
In a world where mental health is becoming increasingly valued, caring for well-being in the workplace is becoming crucial.

Teachers’ mental and physical health is a foundation that directly affects children’s mental well-being.

As part of the “Wellbeing at Kinder” project, we carry out a number of activities that are divided into five
main work packages.
Their results are:


Handbook of mental well-being for kindergartens and nurseries

An innovative guide based on flexible methodologies that supports the mental resilience of employees.


Resilient teachers

A collection of materials and practical tools to help teachers strengthen their emotional resilience on a daily basis.


Building Teachers-Parent Relationships

A guide full of proven tips on how to effectively build positive relationships and communicate with parents, based on mutual respect and understanding.

Each of them aims to provide specific tools and resources to support the daily work of teachers and caregivers.

As part of the “Wellbeing at Kinder” project, we carry out a number of activities that are divided into five
main work packages.
Their results are:


NVC - United Kingdom


Cognitive Psychology – Romania


Contact with nature - Greece


Self-regulation - Poland


Positive Psychology – Cyprus


Mindfulness & Yoga - Italy

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Project Partners

The Understanding Foundation is the leader of this project, we are implementing it in cooperation with: